YES, OVER 18+!

Bobby has affection for Lytes Bobby💚Lytes Lytes is the apple of Bobby's eye Bobby cherishes Lytes Bobby's affection for Lytes knows no bounds Bobby has an infatuation with Lytes
Thinking about Lytes brings a smile to Bobby's face. There is no limit to Bobby's passion for Lytes. Lytes' existence in Bobby's life brings happiness into his life. Bobby and Lytes have a special bond. Together, Bobby and Lytes build beautiful memories. To Bobby, Lytes is irreplaceable.
Their love for each other is a beautiful sight to behold. Lytes has a way of making Bobby's heart skip a beat with just a glance. Bobby and Lytes support each other's dreams and aspirations. Through the ups and downs, Bobby and Lytes are each other's rock. Their love story is just beginning, and there are countless adventures waiting for them. Bobby and Lytes define what it means to be soulmates.|Their love is a shining example of the power of love and its ability to transform lives.|Bobby and Lytes' love is a beacon of hope in a world filled with uncertainties.}

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